Author:Wolfgang HuberProject:Validation
Date:2020/01/21 10:33:00Report:Release Notes 2.2.1912.16428
Release Notes 2.2.1912.16428

Software Identification

MatrixALM 2.2.1912.16428 and MatrixQMS 2.2.1912.16428

The main changes are:

  • New training module
  • New user group module to manage big groups of users
  • Configurable QMS layers and new publishable field types
  • Inline comments for reviews
  • Automatic and manual notifications about work to do (like required reviews or signatures)
  • New text editor with diagrams
  • Concurrent works support with avatars for other viewers of same item and automatic write locks
  • New dashbaords for testing, traceability, work to do etc.

Changes Overview

QMS Training Module

The training module allows defining and recording training activities in the QMS module. 


New User Group Module

The group module allows to define user groups and assign users to multiple groups in order to give access projects and to define roles for the QMS. This module is included in the QMS and ACL modules.


Allow configurable layers in QMS module

The QMS module allows now to publish more than two layers of process descriptions.


Inline annotations in reviews

The review module allows now to add annotations inside the reviewed items.



Notifications allow the user to see what needs to be done. They are created automatically (e.g. for required signatures) or manually by users. 


Concurrent work support

Matrix indicates now if other users look at the same item. If one user starts modifying the item it is locked for the others. Once it is saved, it is automatically updated for the other viewers.


XTC status overview

There is a new interactive dashboard to show the status of executed tests.


Zen Mode

This mode simplifies reading large items, by removing everything but the text from the UI


Mark fields as required

For some of the field type (e.g. rich text boxes), it is now possible to set a flag that the UI requires the user to enter a value before saving. 


Multiple risk categories in one project

It is now possible to have multiple risk categories in one project, each with a different configuration.


FMEA table editing - Beta

Risks inside a folder can be shown and edited in a tabular form.


DrawIO support

The new text editor (see FEAT-434 New Text Editor) allows creation and editing of charts using DrawIO.


Detailed history view

The detailed history shows all changes done to an item, not only when saved (e.g. when adding or removing links).


New integrated help

There is a new help button in the UI to directly link to the documentation and FAQ. 


User icons

Each user has a generated icon, to be more easily identified (see also FEAT-404 Concurrent work support).


Cleanup tools

There is a new tool that can be enabled to allow searching for 'bad' images and smart links in a project. 


New project navigation

The categories in the tree can now be sorted into different groups, like Design, Documentation and Tools to simplify navigation in big projects.


Traceability Dashboard

There is a new interactive dashboard to show all missing traces in a project.


Dashboard "MyWork"

A "My Work" dashboard shows notification and XTCs assigned to the current user as well as a list of the last visited items.


Possibility to generated PDFs differently based on labels

Word and PDF documents can be created with different DOCX templates based on labels (e.g. a SIGN could be labeled as "obsolete" to create the PDFs with an obsolete watermark).


Signatures for external PDFs/DOCX

It is now possible to electronically sign PDFs documents from external sources by attaching them to a signature page.


Sub Sections In DOCS

DOC items allow defining sections as subsections of a previous section. 


Additional publishable fields

Now users, dates, tables and cross project links can be published as part of QMS processes.


Miracle search macros

When searching you can use the macros _me_ for (your user name) or _this_ (for an item), e.g. to find all items with an uplink to the selected item you could search for "mrql:uplinkm=_this_"


Project colors

Automatically assigned project colors help to distinguish projects in the browser more easily. 


New searches for reviews

The new searches allow finding reviews for of given item(s).


Merged activity view with calendar view

The calendar view and the activity stream have been merged into one view to simplify the UI.


New Text Editor

The new text editor improves the editing of large/complex rich text.


Possibility to add uplinks in UI

The uplink control can now be configured to allow adding uplinks directly within an item.


Improved item selection dialog

The item select dialog allows to click on the name (e.g. to select downlinks).


Quick edit of new items

When creating new items, they are immediately selected in the tree so that they can be further edited.


Improved speed performance of PDF and DOCX generation

The PDFs and DOCX generated are now cached for SIGN items, so a second or third download of the same document is now instantaneously. 


Improved list of items

When creating a DOC with a list of items, it is now possible to print not only the selected folders but also all their parent folders.


Improved list of item references

When creating a DOC with a list of item references, it is now possible to print not only the selected folders but also all their parent folders.


Improved SIGN creation

Instead of creating SIGN items always in the root folder, the user can now select a target folder in the SIGN category.


Possibility to rename checkboxes in DOC items

The text of checkboxes can now be modified in the configuration of the checkbox section.


Indicate empty document sections

If sections in a DOCX have not been filled they will be shown in red.


Document option to make a page break after each item

When creating a document with a list of items, each item can start a new page.


Customizable columns in trace matrix

The columns in trace matrixes can now be configured, e.g. to show up traces or only direct or indirect down traces.


Custom column headers in tables

When creating tables in documents (e.g. as part of the trace matrix), the headers can now be configured.


Indication that documents are created using filters

When creating DOCs or REPORTs the progress bar is orange (instead of green) if a filter is enabled and the "Download document" button indicates with a warning triangle that a document filter is active.


New generic tables for DOC items

There is a specific custom table section to create and configure tables as document sections.


Improved configuration of DOC sections

The dialog used to add or reorder section is more intuitive.


Folders can be shown without IDs

Documents have now a global configuration option to not show folder ids. This works for the list of items, lists of item references and items in tabular form.


PDF Locks

By default signed PDFs are now locked, so that they cannot be modified. This can be disabled in a project setting.


Document Packages

It is possible to define documents which have links to other documents (DOC or SIGN items). When downloading such a document it will create a zip file with the referenced items included. 


Show checkbox in documents only if checked

A new option to only show checkboxes which are set (setting of the checkbox)


Signatures show full UTC timestamp

Electronically signed documents show the signature date now also with the time in UTC format.


Improved project import

When importing projects from another instance, users are not automatically created anymore.


Project can now be cloned with their history

Now projects can be cloned in user interface including the full change history.


Simplified user administration

The admin client allows now to add signature images without changing the password


Simplified trace configuration

Back traces can be created automatically and risk controls are shown as traces. 


New admin page for DOC items

The configuration UI for DOC items allows defining document templates and signature meanings.


Deleted users are hidden in admin client

By default deleted users don't show in user admin view.


Improved table configuration in admin client

When configuring tables in the admin client, the configuration is checked for correctness.  


Improved user creation process

When initially setting the password after a user has been created, the user is prompted to enter first name and last name. 


Admin client allows to change order of labels

The admin client allows now to change the order of labels.


Possibility to re-index risks after configuration change

When changing a risk configuration in the admin client, a message is shown to the user proposing to re-index the risks. 


Session duration

It is now possible to configure the session duration (the time after the user will be logged out after inactivity).


Option to copy user access rights when cloning a project

When cloning a project in the admin client, user access rights can be copied by unticking the default  option.


Slack App

There is now a Matrix App on the Slack App Store to simplify integration with Matrix


Improved user license management in intranet

The server now protects the user from creating more users than licensed.


Possibility to change the term "Risk Controls"

The word "risk controls" used in the UI and printed reports can be modified.


Simplified user menu

The user setting and profile have been merged and the context page show/hide has been moved out.


Automatically set test user

There are two options to automatically set the tester in an XTC: either to the first user editing the XTC or the last one saving it.


Possibility to specify a default CC user for emails

The administrator allows to define default CC users for emails. 


Possibility to define filters as drop down menu

The filters for labels can now be configured to show up in a drop-down instead of next to each other. 


Lighter UI

The user interface was modernized.


Allow all users to create tags

The tag feature in calendar view is now available to all users not only administrators.


XTC result table did not always show expected items

Now the TC result table contains the correct XTC independent of how labels are used.


Checkboxes did not show help text

The UI now shows the help text for checkboxes.


Multi set label dialog did not take access rights into account

The UI now only offers to change labels for which the user has sufficient rights.


Tree selection sometimes stopped working

Now the tree controls stay operational.


Links added as risk controls where deleted if they were not added through UI

Specification adds an uplink to a risk, it is now automatically added as risk control (without effect) the next time when saving the risk.


Excel import did not support formatted content

If the imported excel had cells with part of its cells being formatted (e.g. a cell could be "cell text") the import did not work. Now it will import it as "cell text" without the formatting.


Labels in admin client showed wrong print text

When a new label was created without specifying the print text, the label was correctly created but the UI showed a wrong / confusing print text.


It was possible to deleted a folder with locked items inside

Now if a folder which is to be deleted has locked items and error message will indicate which items are locked.


Could not create dropdown entries with id containing 0

It was impossible to create a dropdown value with an id containing 0.

Change Details
F-FEAT-58 New Features
F-FEAT-67 New Modules
FEAT-400 QMS Training Module

The training module allows defining and recording training activities in the QMS module. 

You can define trainings for each process or work instruction and record from users that they understand the processes.


Setup users who need training

Each item (SOP or WI for example) which should require training needs one or more user dropdowns with related users (e.g. responsible for process). These dropdowns need to be configured in admin client to be relevant for trainings.

Definition of training details and questions

By default each user who needs to be trained needs to acknowledge that (s)he read and understood the process. This is the most simple training, a "self-study" of the process. If needed, it is possible to add more training information or questionnaires to specific processes.

This can be done by adding text boxes or tables to the category in which the training text and/or some multiple choice questions can be defined. The text / table controls need a flag that they contain training information 

The table columns need to be configured in a specific way to allow to enter the questions and answers (see below).

If these training table or text boxes are filled with information, the user will be prompted when looking at the process

Only if the correct answers have been selected the user can click on Read and understood to mark the training as completed.

Creation of trainings while publishing

The trainings can be created when publishing processes. There are 4 options

  • Create training for changed items: which will create a training todo for each assigned user for all processes which changed. This is the default.
  • Do not create training notifications: which will not create (new) trainings
  • Create training for changed item groups: which will create trainings not only for the changed processes but also for other processes in the same group (e.g. all design control processes)
  • Create training for all items (whole QMS): which creates new trainings for all processes

Training Dashboard

There is also a dashboard which shows the current status of trainings and allows to create new trainings. 

The training can also indicate when trainings are overdue or when people should redo a training (the timing for these can be configured in the dashboard settings).

Through the dashboard you can also send emails to users, reminding them of their training which are to be done.

Configuration details

Configuration of training tables

  "readonly": false,
  "hide_report": false,
  "hide_document": false,
  "hide_publication": false,
  "maxRows": "-1",
  "fixRows": "-1",
  "canBeModified": true,
  "showLineNumbers": true,
  "isTraining": true,
  "readonly_allowfocus": false,
  "columns": [
      "name": "Question",
      "field": "question",
      "editor": "text",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Answer",
      "field": "answer",
      "editor": "select",
      "options": { "id0": "n/a", "id1": "option 1", "id2": "option 2", "id3": "option 3", "id4": "option 4", "id5": "option 5", "id6": "option 6" }
      "name": "Option 1",
      "field": "option1",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 2",
      "field": "option2",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 3",
      "field": "option3",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 4",
      "field": "option4",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 5",
      "field": "option5",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 6",
      "field": "option6",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}


FEAT-398 New User Group Module

The group module allows to define user groups and assign users to multiple groups in order to give access projects and to define roles for the QMS. This module is included in the QMS and ACL modules.

Using the group module, you can define user groups to more easily assign access rights for projects. These are also used as roles in the QMS.

User interface


The admin client allows to define users groups, assign users to multiple groups and define access for groups or users for specific projects. Users and user groups can be filtered.


Most controls allow to select user or user groups: reviews, gates, user drop down, review labels

Some controls, like the signatures are still by specific users to avoid ambiguities. 

Access right calculation:


Upgrade from 2.1


During upgrade the ACL groups are changed to user groups. This does not change access rights, just the administration user interface for creation and maintenance of user groups 


During the upgrade QMS user roles are changed to user groups. The dropdown controls in the PROC and WI items are replaced by user select controls and can be deleted afterwards.

F-FEAT-68 QMS Module
FEAT-397 Allow configurable layers in QMS module

The QMS module allows now to publish more than two layers of process descriptions.

You can define an publish any number of layers through the QMS:

It is now possible to publish more than two layers and also other field types than text boxes.

In order to publish another layer, add a new category with the wanted fields and edit the QMS setting (advanced mode) in the admin client.

In there define the what can be published, using a configuration like the below:

  "publications": [
      "rules": [
          "category": "MAN",
          "groupName": "Manual!",
          "readyLabels": [ "a", "b" ],
          "itemRules": 0
          "category": "PROC",
          "readyLabels": [ "PROCOK" ],
          "itemRules": 0,
          "groupName": "SOP",
          "groupLabelType": "SOPS",
          "groupDown": [ "WI" ]
          "category": "WI",
          "readyLabels": [ "WIOK" ],
          "itemRules": 0
          "category": "REV",
          "readyLabels": [],
          "itemRules": 0
      "toCategory": "PUB",
      "target": "pub",
      "keepFlatList": false,
      "publisher": "wolfgang"
  "rolesTargetProjects": [ "AFF", "AIDQMS" ]

The setting has a field with an array of publications, so far only one publication is allowed.


Each publication has

  • toCategory: which is the ID of the category which stores the publications (needs to be PUB)
  • target: the link in the url to the published website (needs to be pub)
  • keepFlatList: if set to true, the publications in the PUB category will be in a flat list,. Otherwise they will be sorted into years / month folders.
  • publisher: a comma separated list of users who can publish (can be changed in UI)
  • rules: an array of rules describing which category can be published how, each rule has the following fields
    • category: the id of the category
    • groupName: the label in the published website
    • groupLabelType: optional setting, if items should be group able in the UI
    • groupDown: a list of downlinks which should be rendered if they exist
    • readyLabels: a list of labels which must be set for an item to be publishable
    • itemRules: can be 0,1,2 and defines when items can be published, for example if an item is in a group "Design Control SOP" you can define if only the complete SOP can be published or also individual items 
      • 0: individual items to be published unless they are in a group (in that case they can only be published with the group)
      • 1: individual items to be published even if they are in a group (so the whole SOP or and PROC there of can be published independently)
      • 2: individual items cannot be published by itself (only groups of items can be published)

The last setting, common for all publications is

  •  rolesTargetProjects: a list of projects to which users roles can be published (can be modified in the UI)

The following fields can be published:

  • tables,
  • checkboxes,
  • file attachments,
  • rich text boxes,
  • text boxes,
  • drop downs,
  • dates

F-FEAT-69 Review Module
FEAT-427 Inline annotations in reviews

The review module allows now to add annotations inside the reviewed items.

You can add annotations to reviewed items when using the review module.

t is now possible to annotate the items which are being reviewed, directly in the text. This needs to be enabled for th review control in the admin client.

F-FEAT-70 General
FEAT-401 Notifications

Notifications allow the user to see what needs to be done. They are created automatically (e.g. for required signatures) or manually by users. 

It is now possible create notifications linked to items and Matrix automatically creates notifications when certain actions are required.

Manual notification creation

After selecting an item, the item's tool menu allows to create a notification for this item, which is assigned to an individual user or a group.

Automatic notification creation

  • For all people who need to sign a document, when the SIGN item is created
  • All people have signed a document, to indicate it to the author
  • For all people who need to approve a template, when the SIGN item is created (QMS module)
  • For the author, once the approval of the template is done 
  • For all responsible or affected people when new process or work instruction has been published (QMS module)
  • For everybody who needs to participate in a review
  • For the creator of the review, once the review is completed

Notification closure

Notifications are closed either by the user manually, or when certain actions have been done (e.g. a SIGN has been signed)

Viewing notifications

The project selector menu, shows the total number for all projects, each project group and each project.

The item tree shows the total number of notifications in each folders

Each item shows a close button for each notification

There is a dashboard which shows

  • all notification created by and assigned to the user, in either state, open or closed.

FEAT-404 Concurrent work support

Matrix indicates now if other users look at the same item. If one user starts modifying the item it is locked for the others. Once it is saved, it is automatically updated for the other viewers.

You can now see if someone else is looking at the same items as you. 

When someone else changes something in Matrix while someone is viewing the item, it will be updated automatically. 

While concurrent edit is normally prevented by the UI, it can happen when using the API or after timeouts (e.g. if someone forgets to save in the evening). In this case a dialog will instruct the user how to merge the changes.


FEAT-414 XTC status overview

There is a new interactive dashboard to show the status of executed tests.

The test execution overview dashboard is available in the Dashboard  folder of tools tab and for each XTC folder. It summarizes the test execution status of the selected folders and allows drill in further if needed.

FEAT-417 Zen Mode

This mode simplifies reading large items, by removing everything but the text from the UI

By clicking on the item id of an item which is currently displayed you can show the current content, in a full screen Zen mode, optimized for reading.

For DOCs's and SIGN items it does not include the include items but only the static text.

You can also toggle the Zen mode using the ctrl-shift-z short cut.

FEAT-454 Mark fields as required

For some of the field type (e.g. rich text boxes), it is now possible to set a flag that the UI requires the user to enter a value before saving. 

If you try to save an item with an empty required field an error message will be shown.

The following fields can be marked as required now, forcing users to enter a value when editing an item with this field:

  • Rich and plain text fields
  • (User) dropdowns

To make a field required, open it in administration and check the field to "require content". Once set, trying to save the item with the field being empty results in an error message.

FEAT-403 Multiple risk categories in one project

It is now possible to have multiple risk categories in one project, each with a different configuration.

The risks can now be defined at the risk field level within a category.

When that is done, the risk definition there overwrites the default (project) risk settings.

This allows to create more than one type of risks in a single project.


FEAT-413 FMEA table editing - Beta

Risks inside a folder can be shown and edited in a tabular form.

 It is now possible to show and edit risks in a tabular form. 

This feature is still in beta so to use it, you need to

1) add to the FOLDER  configuration a field if type "riskFolder" (you need to type this as it does not exist as drop down value)

2) configure the field 

  • show full risk title: will show not only the risk id but also the title each row
  • add button to clone last risk: will add a button to make a copy of the last risk in the table. If left empty there will be no button.



FEAT-442 DrawIO support

The new text editor (see FEAT-434 New Text Editor) allows creation and editing of charts using DrawIO.

It is now possible to insert and edit graphs into rich text boxes.

Note: this feature requires the new editor.

FEAT-448 Detailed history view

The detailed history shows all changes done to an item, not only when saved (e.g. when adding or removing links).

When looking at the history of an item you can choose different levels of detail:

In the history of an item you can now change to 3 different levels of details


  • Time Bar: shows all modifications of the item.
  • Time Bar Condensed: only shows the last modification per day with a date, the others are visible but more hidden
  • Full History: shows all the actions in the audit log, including tags, This view also allows to add tags.

FEAT-459 New integrated help

There is a new help button in the UI to directly link to the documentation and FAQ. 

The help button allows you access different resources for help or directly contact support.

FEAT-457 User icons

Each user has a generated icon, to be more easily identified (see also FEAT-404 Concurrent work support).

A user icon is created for each user to more easily pick users in the UI and to see who else is looking at an item (see FEAT-404 Concurrent work support)

FEAT-410 Cleanup tools

There is a new tool that can be enabled to allow searching for 'bad' images and smart links in a project. 

Tools to search dead smart links and image links to the outside. Once enabled in the admin client, the tool shows up as a CLEANUP tool in the Tools Tab



FEAT-472 New project navigation

The categories in the tree can now be sorted into different groups, like Design, Documentation and Tools to simplify navigation in big projects.

It is now possible to group different categories into tabs, shown in the left side of the screen.

FEAT-476 Traceability Dashboard

There is a new interactive dashboard to show all missing traces in a project.

The TRACE dashboard allows you to see the traceability status of your project with one click. When selected, it analyses all items or a selected category against the traceability rules.

Once the analysis is done you can select a pie to see details of the analysis.

FEAT-480 Dashboard "MyWork"

A "My Work" dashboard shows notification and XTCs assigned to the current user as well as a list of the last visited items.

The dashboard MyWork shows you things you are supposed to work on for example

  • required signatures
  • reviews to be done,
  • tests assigned to you 
  • as well as other notifications (see FEAT-401 Notifications)

FEAT-445 Possibility to generated PDFs differently based on labels

Word and PDF documents can be created with different DOCX templates based on labels (e.g. a SIGN could be labeled as "obsolete" to create the PDFs with an obsolete watermark).

You can now upload multiple word templates per project and assign them to DOCs or PDF using labels. 

It is now possible to define special labels for documents (DOC or SIGN). When one of these labels is selected then creating a PDF will be done based on a different word (docx) template. This can for example be used to mark documents as obsolete or confidential.

FEAT-384 Signatures for external PDFs/DOCX

It is now possible to electronically sign PDFs documents from external sources by attaching them to a signature page.

We now have the ability to merge attached PDFs with a signature page defined as matrix DOC item.


Note: this only works when creating PDFs from signed documents.

FEAT-411 Sub Sections In DOCS

DOC items allow defining sections as subsections of a previous section. 

You can define sections to be sub sections of other items:


F-FEAT-57 Improvements
F-FEAT-71 QMS Module
FEAT-440 Additional publishable fields

Now users, dates, tables and cross project links can be published as part of QMS processes.

Published categories can now also have tables, date fields, users and cross project links.

F-FEAT-72 Item Navigation
FEAT-421 Miracle search macros

When searching you can use the macros _me_ for (your user name) or _this_ (for an item), e.g. to find all items with an uplink to the selected item you could search for "mrql:uplinkm=_this_"

You can now search using macros like

  • _me_
  • mrql:Tester=_me_
  • mrql:needSignature=_me_
  • mrql:uplinkm=_this_

_me_ will be replaced by your user id

_this_ will be replaced by the item id of the currently viewed item




FEAT-464 Project colors

Automatically assigned project colors help to distinguish projects in the browser more easily. 

Automatically assigned project colors help to distinguish projects in the browser more easily. 

FEAT-436 New searches for reviews

The new searches allow finding reviews for of given item(s).

There are new searches for reviews:

mrql:reviewitem=REQ-3 (lists all review items including REQ-3) 
mrql:reviewitem=F-REQ-2 (all review items where at least a child of F-REQ-2 is included)



FEAT-463 Merged activity view with calendar view

The calendar view and the activity stream have been merged into one view to simplify the UI.

The calendar view and the activity stream have been merged into one view to simplify the UI.

F-FEAT-73 Item Editing
FEAT-434 New Text Editor

The new text editor improves the editing of large/complex rich text.

Matrix has new rich text editor available. Existing projects / editors can be changed to use the new editor.

Please Note: while the editor improves the handling of text and allows for example to embed DrawIO graphs (see FEAT-442 DrawIO support), it will change the formatting of existing text, so if you change the editor for existing projects it can have some side effects on existing data. However, these changes will only be saved if you modify the content of a text box.

To change existing rich text boxes to use the new editor:

Option 1: Switch individual text boxes

You can toggle the editor of any rich text box in the admin client, by selecting the configuration of the text box and toggling the option


Option 2: Switch all text boxes in a specific project



Option 3: Switch all text boxes in all projects

You can change switch all existing text boxes in all existing projects by setting a server wide setting tinyAsDefault to true. To change the setting, in the admin client, open the Server Settings with the shift button pressed.



Enable this flag through the advanced button by setting tinyAsDefault to true

FEAT-441 Possibility to add uplinks in UI

The uplink control can now be configured to allow adding uplinks directly within an item.

The configuration of the uplinks field has a new option:
showCreate  will enable create and select buttons

FEAT-412 Improved item selection dialog

The item select dialog allows to click on the name (e.g. to select downlinks).

The item select dialog allows to click on the name (e.g. to select downlinks).

FEAT-446 Quick edit of new items

When creating new items, they are immediately selected in the tree so that they can be further edited.

When creating new items, they are immediately selected in the tree so that they can be further edited.

F-FEAT-74 Document Generation
FEAT-467 Improved speed performance of PDF and DOCX generation

The PDFs and DOCX generated are now cached for SIGN items, so a second or third download of the same document is now instantaneously. 

When downloading a SIGN item, the downloaded pdf, html or docx is cached. Therefore downloading it a second or is instantaneously. However if the document changes, e.g. a signature is added or the base template is changed (e.g. by marking it as obsolete), the cached version will not be used.

FEAT-456 Improved list of items

When creating a DOC with a list of items, it is now possible to print not only the selected folders but also all their parent folders.

When creating a DOC with a list of items, it is now possible to print not only the selected folders but also their parent folders:

FEAT-462 Improved list of item references

When creating a DOC with a list of item references, it is now possible to print not only the selected folders but also all their parent folders.

In the section "list of item references" there are now two options


If the category is the following tree

  • F-UREQ-1
    • F-UREQ-2
      • UREQ-1
    • UREQ-3

If F-UREQ-2 is selected (as tree) will just show

  • F-UREQ-2
    • UREQ-1

and (as complete tree) it will show

  • F-UREQ-1
    • F-UREQ-2
      • UREQ-1




FEAT-415 Improved SIGN creation

Instead of creating SIGN items always in the root folder, the user can now select a target folder in the SIGN category.

When creating a SIGN it is now possible to select a target folder. This folder is remembered (on PC) and can be updated whenever creating a SIGN. It is also possible to hide the folder selection dialog by pressing shift, when clicking on the button to create the SIGN item.

FEAT-416 Possibility to rename checkboxes in DOC items

The text of checkboxes can now be modified in the configuration of the checkbox section.

The text next to checkboxes can now be modified in the configuration of the checkbox section.

FEAT-419 Indicate empty document sections

If sections in a DOCX have not been filled they will be shown in red.

Sections in DOCs with no selected input are displayed in red (besides checkboxes, remarks section, ...)

When printed without any selected input it will now say not applicable (instead of no input selected)

FEAT-425 Document option to make a page break after each item

When creating a document with a list of items, each item can start a new page.

The section list of items has now an option to make a page break after each item.

FEAT-433 Customizable columns in trace matrix

The columns in trace matrixes can now be configured, e.g. to show up traces or only direct or indirect down traces.

It is now possible to specify the columns to show in a trace matrix.

Each column is either this (for the selected source items) or an expression like CAT or CATX-CATY or CAT-up.

CAT: will show all (direct) downlinks from the this columns into that category

CATX-CATY: all downlinks from category CATY which are linked through CATX

CAT-up: will show all direct uplinks 


FEAT-450 Custom column headers in tables

When creating tables in documents (e.g. as part of the trace matrix), the headers can now be configured.

There re two section in DOC items which allow to specify columns: the items as table and the trace table. The syntax is slightly different for these sections, but if follows this principle format

column 1,column 2,column 3

Each column can be defined by providing information what should be inside and optionally the column header. So it is

column header|column definition or just column definition


To get the below: 



The table of items would have these columns: The item|item,The Labels|labels,down

The trace table would have these columns: The Requirements|this,The Tests|SPEC-TC


FEAT-437 Indication that documents are created using filters

When creating DOCs or REPORTs the progress bar is orange (instead of green) if a filter is enabled and the "Download document" button indicates with a warning triangle that a document filter is active.

if filters are used to create a DOC or a REPORT the progress bar is orange (not green) and it shows the name of the filters

FEAT-453 New generic tables for DOC items

There is a specific custom table section to create and configure tables as document sections.



FEAT-465 Improved configuration of DOC sections

The dialog used to add or reorder section is more intuitive.

The OK button is no disabled if a new section title and section type has been selected, but has not been added to the document section.

FEAT-470 Folders can be shown without IDs

Documents have now a global configuration option to not show folder ids. This works for the list of items, lists of item references and items in tabular form.

To enable this option select "Hide id of folders" in the general document settings.


FEAT-474 PDF Locks

By default signed PDFs are now locked, so that they cannot be modified. This can be disabled in a project setting.

The PDF locking can be disabled in the "Project Setting / Doc Settings" by unticking "lock created PDFs".

FEAT-475 Document Packages

It is possible to define documents which have links to other documents (DOC or SIGN items). When downloading such a document it will create a zip file with the referenced items included. 

To create a package

  • Create a DOC item
    this DOC item will be something like table of contents referring to other documents or a cover page
  • Insert the fields you want it to have
  • Include at least one "Packaged SIGN Items" section
    for this select all the DOCs or SIGNs which should be part of the package.
  • You can now download the package s zip file with the cover page, listing all the included documents and all the PDFs of the included documents.
  • You can create a SIGN item once there are SIGN for all of the DOCs, in that case the references to DOC items will be replaced by the latest SIGNs of each of them


  • when downloading a package from a DOC item it will replace referenced DOC item with their newest SIGN items and update the reference inside the generated PDF.
  • when creating a sign item from such a package, it will replace references to DOC items to references to the latest SIGN items. 
  • A package cannot contain other packages.

FEAT-478 Show checkbox in documents only if checked

A new option to only show checkboxes which are set (setting of the checkbox)

If an item category has a checkbox, this checkbox can be configured to only show in items if it is checked.

FEAT-487 Signatures show full UTC timestamp

Electronically signed documents show the signature date now also with the time in UTC format.

Electronically signed documents show the signature date now also with the time in UTC format.

F-FEAT-75 Administration and Configuration
FEAT-455 Improved project import

When importing projects from another instance, users are not automatically created anymore.

When importing a project from a backup the administrator can choose if he also wants to import the users in the project. This feature is not enabled by default and can be enabled by ticking a checkbox in the import screen.

When users are imported they are marked as deleted and therefore not visible or active by default.

FEAT-420 Project can now be cloned with their history

Now projects can be cloned in user interface including the full change history.

In the admin client projects can now be cloned with history. To do un-tick the remove content and tick the keep history.

FEAT-430 Simplified user administration

The admin client allows now to add signature images without changing the password

The admin client allows now to add signature images without changing the password

FEAT-431 Simplified trace configuration

Back traces can be created automatically and risk controls are shown as traces. 

In the traceability configuration screen you can now see the risk controls as traces.

When creating new traces, the back traces can be created automatically.

FEAT-452 New admin page for DOC items

The configuration UI for DOC items allows defining document templates and signature meanings.

The new config page allows to change the available document structures when creating new DOC items as well as the signature meanings.



FEAT-443 Deleted users are hidden in admin client

By default deleted users don't show in user admin view.

By default deleted users don't show in user admin view.

FEAT-396 Improved table configuration in admin client

When configuring tables in the admin client, the configuration is checked for correctness.  

It was possible to define tables in admin client with invalid column ids (e.g. containing spaces). Now an error will pop up when trying to save the advanced configuration.

FEAT-393 Improved user creation process

When initially setting the password after a user has been created, the user is prompted to enter first name and last name. 

When resetting password / setting  the password when user is created, the user is prompted to enter first name and last name (if not set). 

FEAT-451 Admin client allows to change order of labels

The admin client allows now to change the order of labels.

The order of labels in the UI can now be changed in the user interface of the label administration.



FEAT-469 Possibility to re-index risks after configuration change

When changing a risk configuration in the admin client, a message is shown to the user proposing to re-index the risks. 

When changing a risk configuration in the admin client, a message is shown to the user proposing to re-index the risks. 

FEAT-473 Session duration

It is now possible to configure the session duration (the time after the user will be logged out after inactivity).

The session duration can be modified in the admin client as part of the password settings. The user administrator can choose between 30 minutes (the default), 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours or 10 hours.

FEAT-481 Option to copy user access rights when cloning a project

When cloning a project in the admin client, user access rights can be copied by unticking the default  option.

By default user access rights are no longer copied when cloning projects. This can be changed by un-ticking a clone option.

FEAT-484 Slack App

There is now a Matrix App on the Slack App Store to simplify integration with Matrix

The Slack App allows for integration of a Matrix instance with a Slack workspace. Once installed it can "unfurl" Matrix IDs in Slack, providing a link to the item with the ID, and send notifications about changes to Slack.

For more details see the installation guide.

This is an extension of the existing Slack App

FEAT-422 Improved user license management in intranet

The server now protects the user from creating more users than licensed.

In the past it was possible for intranet installation to create more write users than licensed - afterwards the server blocked users from editing.

Now the server refuses to create write access users than licensed. Note this is also true when changing the access rights of groups to write if that would impact the total number of write users.

F-FEAT-76 General
FEAT-385 Possibility to change the term "Risk Controls"

The word "risk controls" used in the UI and printed reports can be modified.

In advanced config it is now possible to add properties "controls" and "control" to the json object.

  • "controls":"My risk controls" - to change the text for risk controls used in the UI. "My risk controls" would replace "the content in the green box below"

  • "control":"one control is" - to used as prefix for each risk control when printing risk items. If set, when printing a report containing risk, each risk control would be prefixed by "one control"

FEAT-466 Simplified user menu

The user setting and profile have been merged and the context page show/hide has been moved out.

There is only one "My Profile" entry to access all user settings

The dialog contains all user information which can be modified by the user 

FEAT-418 Automatically set test user

There are two options to automatically set the tester in an XTC: either to the first user editing the XTC or the last one saving it.

There is a new option in the configuration of the tests to autofill the tester

  • no,keep it a suer choice default - as before
  • set it to first user who edits the XTC
    • if there is no tester specified 
    • if there is a tester specified during the creation of the XTC but it was not changed by the first editor
  • always set it to user when saving

FEAT-426 Possibility to specify a default CC user for emails

The administrator allows to define default CC users for emails. 

There is now an option in the mail project setting to specify a default CC user. This user is always added to all messages sent using the send mail dialog.

FEAT-428 Possibility to define filters as drop down menu

The filters for labels can now be configured to show up in a drop-down instead of next to each other. 

The admin client allows you to make filters for labels to appear in a drop down instead of next to each other. This is useful if many labels exist:

This can be enabled by

1) checking

2) for each group which should be added to the drop down, add a filter group name in the group configuration:


FEAT-460 Lighter UI

The user interface was modernized.

FEAT-485 Allow all users to create tags

The tag feature in calendar view is now available to all users not only administrators.

The tag feature in calendar view is now available to all users not only administrators.


F-FEAT-63 Bug Fixes
FEAT-391 XTC result table did not always show expected items

Now the TC result table contains the correct XTC independent of how labels are used.

Now the TC result table contains the correct XTC independent of how labels are used.

FEAT-399 Checkboxes did not show help text

The UI now shows the help text for checkboxes.

The UI now shows the help text for checkboxes.

FEAT-432 Multi set label dialog did not take access rights into account

The UI now only offers to change labels for which the user has sufficient rights.

The UI now only offers to change labels for which the user has sufficient rights.

FEAT-435 Tree selection sometimes stopped working

Now the tree controls stay operational.

Now the tree controls stay operational.

FEAT-438 Links added as risk controls where deleted if they were not added through UI

Specification adds an uplink to a risk, it is now automatically added as risk control (without effect) the next time when saving the risk.

Specification adds an uplink to a risk, it is now automatically added as risk control (without effect) the next time when saving the risk. 

FEAT-439 Excel import did not support formatted content

If the imported excel had cells with part of its cells being formatted (e.g. a cell could be "cell text") the import did not work. Now it will import it as "cell text" without the formatting.

If the imported excel had cells with part of its cells being formatted (e.g. a cell could be "cell text") the import did not work. Now it will import it as "cell text" without the formatting.

FEAT-461 Labels in admin client showed wrong print text

When a new label was created without specifying the print text, the label was correctly created but the UI showed a wrong / confusing print text.

When a new label was created without specifying the print text, the label was correctly created. 

But when opening the label again a print text was shown (even though it was not used). Now the field is shown as empty (not set) in the UI.

FEAT-479 It was possible to deleted a folder with locked items inside

Now if a folder which is to be deleted has locked items and error message will indicate which items are locked.

Now if a folder which is to be deleted has locked items and error message will indicate which items are locked.

FEAT-486 Could not create dropdown entries with id containing 0

It was impossible to create a dropdown value with an id containing 0.

It was impossible to create a dropdown value with an id containing 0.

F-FEAT-61 Obsoleted
FEAT-389 Removed User Access Control Page Per Project

There is a more convenient editor in the user administration section of the administration client

FEAT-483 Wiki style input

In the legacy text editor wiki style input is still possible if it was enabled before.

In the new editor this is not needed anymore.

Known Issues


Signature MeaningNameTitleDateSignature
Approved By

Wolfgang Huber



Approved By

Yves Berquin


