Author: Yves Berquin Project: Validation
Date: 2021/06/24 12:14:41 Report: Release Notes 2.3.12461.19791
Release Notes 2.3.12461.19791

Software Identification

MatrixALM and MatrixQMS Release 2.3.12461.19791

The main changes are:

  • New branching and merging module
  • New translation module
  • New searches
  • New dashboards
  • More flexible document generation
  • Controlled revision number in audit trails of documents and QMS
  • Part 11 gate signatures

Changes overview
Change_ID Title Description

New Module: Project branching and merging


It is now possible to feature or release branches of a project and than later merge the changes back to the mainline.


SEARCH: Cascading MRQL


Now it's possible to do joint like searches, i.e. a second search is done on the results of the first search


SEARCH: MRQL searches for authors, editors, last child


The following searches have been added:

  • mrql:createdBy=john.doe
  • mrql:editedBy=jane.doe
  • mrql:lastExecutedTest=xx
  • mrql:lastChild=N (XTCs and SIGNs)
  • mrq:reviewedBy=xx



SEARCH: MRQL searches for dates


Two new date related queries  have been added

  • mrql:created > 5d
  • mrql:"my own date field" < 2w

SEARCH: MRQL searches for review


There are new mrql searches to find items according to their review status.



SEARCH: Save previous searches for this user


Remembers the last 10 search queries entered by the user. The user can access them through the search drop down.


SEARCH: Search results in other tabs are now displayed


If you run a search it now shows you how many items have been found in each tab. You can also switch between tabs using these links


DASHBOARDS: New Label Overview Dashboard


The dashboard gives an overview over set labels.


DOCUMENTS: New Report Engine

The new report engine allows to create custom tables for PDFs or Excel as well as custom rendering of item content with complex logic and formatting.


DOCUMENTS: Possibility to Extract Version Number From a Version History Table


Tables in documents can have a column of type Revision.

If that column exists in one (and only one table) in a DOC item the following will happen:

  • if you create a SIGN, it will be verified that the last line of the table has a different revision number or text than the last SIGN created. If not you will be warned (as you most likely forgot to update the revision table)
  • If you create a SIGN it will be verified that the last line of the table has no empty fields. If not you will be warned.
  • If you have a "Document Number" field, the revision can be added to the document number (the title of the SIGN and the "ControlledDocName" property in the DOCX will be updated accordingly
  • The "MX_DocProperty_Revision" property will also be set in the DOCX and can be used in the title 



QMS: New Publication History Dashboard


Shows for each process in which publication which revision was published

Can be filtered by process or publication.

The table can be transposed and be copied into documents. 


QMS: Revision tables


It is now possible to add a 'special' audit trail table to a process. When approving the process, the system will verify that there is a new and completed line in the table, compared to the last approval.

The table contains a column which holds the revision number, which is shown in the published QMS


FIELDS: Part 11 signature on Gates


This new option allows gates to be used like electronic signatures inside an item. The gate will show who signed it when.


FIELDS: Possibility to indicate out-of-date items in review control


The review control has now the option to indicate that reviewed items are out of date. There's two options for that: either always or only before the review is completed.

Out of date items will be indicated by an orange clock. If they have been deleted the clock is red:


MISC: Notification Digest Emails


Each user can set up notification emails to be received daily or weekly.  



ADMIN: Copy paste categories configuration


The admin client allows to copy the complete configuration of a category and its fields into another/ the same project


ADMIN: JSON validation and documentation


Provide validation and syntax information in the raw JSON editors to avoid creation of invalid JSON data. 


New Module: Translation support

It is now possible to setup a mechanism to automatically translate fields from one language to another. This can be useful if some members of your staff is not fluent in one of the languages used in the team or if you want to translate and existing documentation into another language


SECURITY: Field Cleaning


The server has now an option to prevent storing not whitelisted HTML in database fields.


MISC: Replication

All installation are now not only backed up but replicated in real time. This means if a productions server or site goes down, we can switch to the replicated instance.


ADMIN: Explicit Logout

The admin client allows logging out other users.


ADMIN: Possibility to hide fields from the UI

It is now possible to hid some fields from the UI. This could be useful for example to hide some original ids coming from an import of data.

Note: the hidden fields will still be queried by full text searches.


ADMIN: Auto create fields with category creation (description, links, labels, tasks)

When creating new categories some fields are automatically created.


ADMIN: project tree can be filtered searchbox in the admin config tree for filtering

A searchbox is now available in the server administration to filter among the settings. 

Only opened projects are searched in details.


ADMIN; filter by user groups and project groups

The admin client now allows to filter the admin views for user and group access by user groups and project groups. 


ADMIN: added UI to configure columns in tables

The columns for tests and other tables can now be configured in the UI.


ADMIN: Tell users which fields need configuration

When adding a field which needs to be configured a popup is shown to allow the user to either add more fields or configure the one just added.


ADMIN: Prevent user from creating field duplicates

In the past it was possible to create multiple instances of fields which should exist only once per category (e.g. the risk field)


ADMIN: Add color picker for label configuration and risk configuration

Instead of typing color names it is now possible to pick the colors used in the UI


ADMIN: Display icon in dropdowns in label configuration

When adding a icon to a label state, it's shown in the configuration dialog


ADMIN: Project Color Configuration Option

A color picker is now available on the Project Settings menu.


ADMIN: Navigation from admin pages of project

In the admin client you can now easily navigate to the user / group access pages and the project itself.


ADMIN: Possibility to remove project settings

The admin client allows now to remove not needed project settings.


INSTALLATION: retrieve files through localhost

If in an intranet it is forbidden to access files using a public URL this can now be changed to get them from the local host.


QMS: Make TOC and content scroll independently in QMS publish

Now not the whole page is scrolling but only the displayed process / TOC.


QMS a click on images increases size

If a big image is published the user can click on the image to see a bigger version


QMS: Labels can be published

Specified labels can be published with QMS processes.


QMS: Improved link handling in live qms

Links in published pages behave more consistently. 


QMS: Buttons to "read and understood" now underneath the processes

Now the buttons to click on read and understood are also at the end of each processes.


QMS: allow to only show items with trainings to be done

In the user drop down is a entry myself (trainings) which shows in the navigation bar all the processes which require a training.


QMS: Show the date in publication history of items

When comparing two revisions of a published processed, the publication date is shown.


QMS: Improved user selection in published QMS site

It is now possible to automatically filter the processes to only show the ones for the logged on user. Also processes for other users only, can be hidden.


QMS: Improved training dashboard

Filtering the displayed information is easier and wizards guide the user through creating new trainings, onboarding of colleagues, creating reports and sending reminders.


FIELDS: Gates show approval / reject date as tooltip

When passing a gate or rejecting a gate it is now indicated as tooltip who and when the change was done.


FIELDS: New field type "Explanation"

This field type allows to add some static text to items, e.g. to explain what some following fields are used for. This is not printed.


FIELDS: Immutable row identifiers for test case steps

There is the possibility to have a column with unique ids per test step. These ids are not changed when lines are added or removed and allowing therefore to refer to specific steps of a test.

The ids also contain an counter, increased whenever the line is modified.


FIELDS: New options for uplinks control

Added options to hide create/select buttons in the uplink control for specific categories.


EDITING: Allow concurrent editing of items with reviews tables

Review tables can be modified by several people in parallel. To do so you need to need to enable concurrent editing for the review category in the category setting.


Editor: Detection of Illegal Characters

Now Matrix complains when the client tries to save some illegal characters


Editor: Improved smartlinks

1) Smart links to deleted items are shown in red.

2) Hovering the mouse over cross project links (#PROJECTID/ITEM#) shows a re preview of those items, if the user has at least read access to the project.


Editor: Improved context menu in rich text editor

The editor's context menu (right click in a rich text box) shows, how to get to the system menu (with spell checker) using the control key.

It is now possible to show the browsers context menu instead of the richt text editor context menu.


DASHBOARDS: TEO allows to select multiple folders

The test dashboard allows to analyze multiple or only parts of a test run.


DASHBOARDS: TEO allows to select items which should be covered by tests

The Test Execution Overview dashboard allows now to select which items should be covered by tests (in the global graphic).


DASHBOARDS: Custom Test Dashboard

This function allows to write custom queries to define how specific test results are shown. Some reclassification can be done to have simple graphics.


DASHBOARDS: Improved Performance of Review Dashboard

Improved performance and progress bar was added.


DASHBOARDS: Option to find illegal imported characters

The cleanup tool now has an option to find invalid characters. These can be created by importing documents though word or excel or by using the API to crate content. These characters will not print and even might prevent printing of any document.


JIRA: Search also returns matching ids

No more need to use JQL to search for a ticket id


DOCUMENTS: Advanced column options in item table and risk table

It is now possible to add more meta data to tables in DOC items.


DOCUMENTS: Signature Note

It is now an option to print a note about the importance of the signature.


DOCUMENTS: Signature Reject

It is now an option to allow users to reject a signature with a reason. 


DOCUMENTS: Show signature meaning in SIGN item

If a signature table has a column signature meaning, this column can also shown in the signature table of the SIGN item to tell the user in what the signature is for.



DOCUMENTS: Option to hide file attachment box in DOCs/SIGNs

In a DOC's document setting you can choose not to show the list of attachments (or cross project link) fields for a a particular DOC or SIGN created from it. The attachments itself can still be attached.


DOCUMENTS: Open created PDFs directly in browser

To visualize a Doc or a Sign item in its final format, it was mandatory to download it.

Now after creating a PDF (DOC, etc), you can open the result in a browser tab instead of downloading to disk.


DOCUMENTS: Headers tables

Now headers of table of document sections use the header styles defined in the word template.


DOCUMENTS: Improved Redlining

When redlining a SIGN against a DOC or other SIGN, you can now also see the differences in static document sections (like text boxes). Also by default it shows all items of which item ids are shown in the document not only the selected items.


MISC: Show label id in tooltips of labels / filters

The label id is now shown as tooltip for labels and filters.



MISC: Allow to change linked workflow item / select existing one

When using one-to-one links of Matrix items to external workflow software (like JIRA) (with One2One Issue Mapping field), it is now possible to select existing items to make the link.


MISC: Filter for audit log and deleted items

The change history and deleted items list can now be filtered.


MISC: Excel Import Improvements

Importing items from excel has been improved.



MISC: Improved profile dialog

Usability improvement


MISC: Recursive smart text macros

You can now have nested text macros.


MISC: User group names are used in zen mode

Instead of showing user group ids, the names are displayed.


MISC: Filters are no longer persistent over sessions or tabs

Filters are now only used in the tab they are activated.


MISC: Allow search from url

You can now copy the project URL and add a search to embed links with search into other documents. This can be useful to refer to a specific filtered view of a project via the URL only.


MISC: Allow number columns in DOC tables

There is a new column type "Number" which allows you to only enter numbers in it in custom table section of documents.


MISC: Notifications when gates get passed/rejected

It is now possible to send notifications when the last user approved a gate.


MISC: Allow to enter markup in richtext editor

It is now an option to enter text with markup syntax to create formatted text, e.g. a line starting with * will create a list.


MISC: Improved compare of revisions

When comparing two versions of an item it was sometimes hard to see what changed.


MISC: Full History View Improvement

The full history view of an item has  been improved.


MISC: Browser tabs show item title

It now shows PROJECT/ITEM title in the browser tab


MISC: Design Review labels can be used as locks

Now design review labels can be used as locks


MISC: There is an option to have a browser notification when a matrix notification comes in

If your browser allows notification, Matrix notifications can appear as browser notifications to make sure you see it directly if you're on another tab than Matrix for example.


MISC: Simpler Export/Backups

The server has now an option to prevent showing the REPORT category. The export has been moved to a dedicated dashboard. Xml Export is also available from the admin client.  




MISC: Multiline notification messages

When creating notifications it's now possible to have messages spanning over multiple lines.


MISC: Past notifications can also be visible in notification box

In the previous version, we could only see the current and future notifications within an item notification dialog box.

To be able to see previous notification which are done/acknowledged, we had to go to Notification dashboards.


SEARCH: mrql:outdated : special treatment for XTC and SIGN

XTCs and SIGN item are now considered outdated if the source (the test or DOC item) was modified after the XTC/SIGN was created.


SECURITY: Option to require session to download attaches files

There is a new option in the admin client to require a session to download referenced files.

By default uploaded files are protected by a secret key and can be downloaded by everyone with the key.


SECURITY: Cleanup html to improve security

We now automatically remove many more dangerous html elements when they are stored to the DB, in order to avoid malevolent code. If content should be removed, a dialog will appear to the user to either do it automatically or correct it manually.


BETA: Default Values for Fields

Some fields can now be pre-populated with some data when creating new items:

  • tables
  • richtext
  • plaintext
  • checkbox (set to true to set)
  • datepicker (set to true to now)
  • dropdown

Note: the default values need to be specified in the advanced settings of a field.


BETA: Tabs in Items

It is now possible to have multiple tabs per item. This can be useful for categories with many fields. 


Gate reset can be triggered by configuring field ids

Before, only field names could be used in the gate option to reset when specific fields are changed.


Small UI fixes

Various UI Fixes  : 

  • review comment in item text is out of screen
  • Text-overflow in Table is handled nicer

Bug with the save / autosave feature

If you only change one character in a text box the save does not get highlighted and the autosave does not work.


Scale images to fit on printed paper

If the uploaded image is too big, the system will automatically fit its size for a printed paper.


Improve algorithm detecting used abbreviations

The list of used abbreviations and terms now shows only the actually used ones.


Importing risks from excel always used global setting

Importing risks from excel always used the global (per project settings)


Change history view was limited to 100 items

The history view was limited to show the first 100 changes of a day. 


Smart links are not generated in "the custom table" sections in downloaded documents

Custom tables did not resolve smart links when printed.


Safari is showing popup for password manager even when logged in


  • Enabled PW Manager for
  • Login and save PW
  • After login (and every reload) PW popup is shown

Fix: Hide login fields in iframe, show them when needed. Hiding the iframe is not enough.


Smart links don't show after full text search

After some specific full text search smart links were not resolved in some items.


AgileSync has white text on button

The button text was hard to read.


User access right selector is sticky

It was possible to remain with a sticky user access selector in the User Access to Project page


Trying to delete system categories triggered bad error message

The system showed an empty error message when trying to delete the FOLDER, SIGN, DOC or REPORT category.


Risk history was not showing all details when comparing revisions

When looking at the history of a RISK item and comparing 2 revision, the risk values on the right one were not visible.


When you look at CHANGES in a project without history the page didn't finish loading

When a project has no history, the CHANGES dashboard asked you to wait forever loading.


Zen mode did not show smart text in DOC items

If a richtext section contained a smart text macro, it was not rendered when viewing the item in Zen Mode


Drawio in could be launched from readonly text boxes

Readonly items with a drawio diagram allowed it to open the diagram in draw io by clicking on it.


QMS missing published processes

In the previous release, if a published item was moved out of a folder and then the folder was deleted, with the publication of other changes this published item would disappear from publication.


Filter order vs Label order

Label groups shown in the item title bar were in order different to what is specified in admin and visible in filter.


Items table not formatted correctly if following a rich text with a table

A "Table of items with fields" has incorrect column sizing if the previous document element is a text block containing fixed-width table columns.


LiveQMS item width is not always the same

Not all items in LiveQMS were aligned on the width.


Images were replaced

It was possible that images uploaded into rich text boxes were replaced by other ones.


Behavior of hyperlink in text editor is more consistent

Hyperlinks to images, files, diagrams or items did not always work as expected.


Version of review items is not added

In large reviews it was possible to save the item before it was completely loaded.


Review done notifications could not be deleted

If the server option was set that automatic notifications cannot be deleted manually, "review done" notifications could not be deleted.


_YYYYMMDD_ can now be used for ControlledDocName word document property

The macro YYYYMMDD did not work in the document headers


Gate auto reset in XTCs

Gates with auto reset could not be used in XTCs.


Prevent Sub Headings in Bad Places

It was possible to create sections without headings which did not render well.


The Change dashboard shows changes on days without changes

Some days without changes seemed to have some changes, when clicking on it no changes were shown.


Cannot add Design Review Label to Filter Menu

When specifying in a group name for the filter menu of a design review label it was saved (it worked through the advanced settings).


ACL module: when "rename" is disabled the delete button is gone too

The bin icon was removed at the same time than the "rename" was restricted via the ACL tool.


Smart text related text not showing in table fields

When smart text is used in a text box, there appears an asterisk in front of it, when hovered over it, it shows the related text. This didn't happen when smart text was inserted into a field of a table.


Context pages showed XTC as downlinked items despite them being filtered

The context page showing downlinks recursively showed the XTC even though they seemed to be filtered.


Smart links in tables were not resolve for readonly users

If a user with readonly access looked at a table with smart links, these were not resolved (the title was not shown if there was a ! behind the item id).


Read only users have the possibility to enlarge text boxes

Read-only user couldn't enlarge text boxes.


XTC Preset Field not displayed

If an XTC had a preset field defined which had a help text it was not shown in the XTC creation wizard.


Word sub headings have the wrong style (Heading 1 instead of Heading 2)

If you create a subsection with "Make it a subsection" and let Matrix generate the headers, the level 2 sections have the right numbering but the wrong style (heading 1 instead of heading 2).


Document does not capture approvals from design review

If design reviews used a custom dropdown for the outcome of the review, the documents showing the reviews did not render the results.


Required fields in DOC items made it impossible to create new DOCs

If you have required fields in the DOC category, you couldn't create new document anymore.


"Read and Understood" button not visible

If the processes in the published QMS had large (very wide) images or tables the read and understood button was outside the visible area of the screen


Admin UI does not allow to remove last upload file extension

If a file attachment control was restricted to a file extension(s), the last could not be removed in the UI only through the advanced settings.


RISK By Zone in Risk Analysis Does not work with Lookup tables

When the lookup table was used in the risk configurations, the dynamic section Risk Analysis in Documents didn't show anything under the "Risk by zones before/after mitigation".


With restriction to single sign on: users could not change their signature image

The client prevent users from uploading a new image.


SIGN broke after quickly changing labels

Under certain network conditions settings labels would create a new version without data.


Risk analysis pie charts stopped working

When printing the a risk analysis section the subs sections showing charts with the risk distribution don't show the graphs anymore, only the statistics.


QMS: Empty SOP group labels should not be visible in publication

If a process group has no published processes inside (either because there's none, or because they are filtered out for a given user), the process group will not be displayed


Excel import could not populate all fields

Excel could not import into richtext fields in risks and plain text fields in any categories.


It was not possible to restrict who can modify the list of reviewed items

The admin client did not allow to limit the editing of items and users included in a review to some users / user groups.


Context frame showed too many items

The context frame showing recursive up or downlinks ignored the filters to only show some categories  when first loading.


Numbering in TOC was wrong

When adding a table of content to a DOC item for a list of items shown with folders as heading, the numbering was bad when only a sub folder of a category was selected.



Publications include titles of not approved procedures

The website with the published QMS contained the titles of unpublished processes.


Wrong active label warning during document download

The download button of documents sometimes showed a wrong warning indicating that the document is filtered by a (non existing) label.


Remove Template Approval DOC section

There was a document section called template approval which is not needed as there is a field.


Improved Rendering DOCs

When opening DOC items with lots of section, the UI flickered, first showing collapsed DOC sections before collapsing them.


Layout issues of annotation

The review annotation screen had some layout issues


The hint to where to find autosave was not correct

When changing the selection in the tree after making some unsaved changes a wrong tool tip was displayed.


Signature meaning doesn't render well in documents

Custom signature meanings do not always render nicely in documents.


When creating items tabbing in text editor did not activate it

The first text editor is auto activated when tabbing into it.


History in LiveQMS not working for WI

History differencing was only implemented for PROC items in publication


Impossible to unlock design review label

if you create a DR label which locks an item, it was impossible to unlock it


⌘ + click in the application tree, doesn't open the item in a new tab

On MACs you could not open new tabs from tree


Converting TC to XTC repeated dead smart links

If a TC had a dead smart link in a test step, the link was rendered twice in the XTC


REPORT category

The report category has been replaced by

  • a specific export feature in the admin client
  • various dashboards
  • new document sections 
  • a simpler way to export to excel

Document Compare Tool Integrated Into Redlining

The document compare tools were removed as optional components. There is a more powerful document compare possible through the redlining.

New Functionality
New Features
FEAT-523 New Module: Project branching and merging

It is now possible to feature or release branches of a project and than later merge the changes back to the mainline.


When branching off a project from another, an identical copy with or without the history is created. When changes are made to an item in the branch and maybe to its counterpart in the mainline, the user can choose to merge the changes back into the mainline. Items created in either the branch or the mainline will have unique id's so that there is no conflict when merging back from the branch. Links between items and hierarchical changes can also be merged back from the branch into the mainline.

Only administrators can create branches. This can be done per project here:

FEAT-538 SEARCH: Cascading MRQL

Now it's possible to do joint like searches, i.e. a second search is done on the results of the first search



mrql: category=REQ and label=adult ==> category=TC and uplinkm=previous

The keyword previous refers to the set of results from the 1st part of the query

The ==> sign can also be the keyword THEN.

You can add many levels:


mrql: category=REQ and label=adult
==> category=SPEC and uplinkm=previous and label=internal
==> category=XTC and testResult=error

This would list the failed tests who has a SPEC with a label "internal" as ancestor, but only if these SPECs have a REQ with a label "adult"

The relations that can be used with previous are:

  • uplink
  • uplinkm
  • downlink
  • downlinkm


FEAT-532 SEARCH: MRQL searches for authors, editors, last child

The following searches have been added:

  • mrql:createdBy=john.doe
  • mrql:editedBy=jane.doe
  • mrql:lastExecutedTest=xx
  • mrql:lastChild=N (XTCs and SIGNs)
  • mrq:reviewedBy=xx



Searches for authors of changes:


createdBy looks for the create = author of the v1 of the item,

editedBy looks for any version (including first one),

lastEditedBy looks for the authors of the last version of the item

Items in a review

The one below allows you to find all items reviewed by a particular item (or item folder and all its children)



The one below looks for the last executed test of a test item (or items in a folder)


Last Children

There is the possibility to find the last XTC for a test or the last SIGN for a DOC through mrql:

mrql:lastChild=1 and category=SIGN // returns all the latest SIGNs 
mrql:lastChild=1 and category=XTC // returns all the latest XTCs
mrql:lastChild=2 and uplink=TC-3 // returns the last two XTCs created from TC-3

Note: last means the ones with th highest id

Note: running it for anything but XTCs and SIGN works but the results might be meaningless or hard to understand, depending on the project configuration


FEAT-603 SEARCH: MRQL searches for dates

Two new date related queries  have been added

  • mrql:created > 5d
  • mrql:"my own date field" < 2w

Searching by item creation date

mrql:created > 5d

created is the same logic as updated, but applied on the item creation date (it's version 1)

Searching for date in field

mrql:"my own date field" < 2w

The date logic is now also available for any date field (like a CAPA expiration or a document managing the re-certification of suppliers)

FEAT-602 SEARCH: MRQL searches for review

There are new mrql searches to find items according to their review status.



Here are some new queries we implemented for the reviews:


hasReview returns all items that have at least one review

modAfterReview=1 shows all items that have a review but have been modified after the last review

modAfterReview=0 shows all items that had a review and are the same since the review (it doesn't show non-reviewed items)

FEAT-600 SEARCH: Save previous searches for this user

Remembers the last 10 search queries entered by the user. The user can access them through the search drop down.


The last 10 searches are kept and added at the bottom of the search dropdown per project.

These are projects specific and personal (not like the pre-saved searches available to everyone accessing the project). 

FEAT-601 SEARCH: Search results in other tabs are now displayed

If you run a search it now shows you how many items have been found in each tab. You can also switch between tabs using these links


FEAT-619 DASHBOARDS: New Label Overview Dashboard

The dashboard gives an overview over set labels.


The label dashboard (LAO) can be accessed through in Tools > Dashboards or in the tool menu of folders in the Design tab.

It shows a graphical overview and details for each included item.


FEAT-553 DOCUMENTS: New Report Engine

The new report engine allows to create custom tables for PDFs or Excel as well as custom rendering of item content with complex logic and formatting.

There are 2 principal ways on how to print data:

  • as tables
  • as a sequential list of items

In a table you can print all the information about one item or folder in one row. The information can be some properties of the item (the author, description etc) or a sub table with information about some linked items (e.g. to print all test results for a test).

In a sequential list of items, you are free to define the layout on how to print each item after the other. 

The layout as tables or lists you define as section templates. These templates you use in other projects by inserting a custom document section and choosing the layout in the layouter.

FEAT-623 DOCUMENTS: Possibility to Extract Version Number From a Version History Table

Tables in documents can have a column of type Revision.

If that column exists in one (and only one table) in a DOC item the following will happen:

  • if you create a SIGN, it will be verified that the last line of the table has a different revision number or text than the last SIGN created. If not you will be warned (as you most likely forgot to update the revision table)
  • If you create a SIGN it will be verified that the last line of the table has no empty fields. If not you will be warned.
  • If you have a "Document Number" field, the revision can be added to the document number (the title of the SIGN and the "ControlledDocName" property in the DOCX will be updated accordingly
  • The "MX_DocProperty_Revision" property will also be set in the DOCX and can be used in the title 



Note: in order to insert / use the "MX_DocProperty_Revision" property in word documents you need to make sure your project's word template knows about the Doc Property (see


Definition of table

Document Number and audit trail with table

Generated document:

FEAT-608 QMS: New Publication History Dashboard

Shows for each process in which publication which revision was published

Can be filtered by process or publication.

The table can be transposed and be copied into documents. 


This Dashboard is available under TOOLS > QMS

FEAT-626 QMS: Revision tables

It is now possible to add a 'special' audit trail table to a process. When approving the process, the system will verify that there is a new and completed line in the table, compared to the last approval.

The table contains a column which holds the revision number, which is shown in the published QMS


In order to create a table holding the revision number, you need to insert a table (steplist) field into the the process category you want to version manually. (Note: you can or cannot make it part of the publication).

In that table you need to have one column with the editor "revision". This editor will be a normal text field so you can use whatever numbering scheme to enter the revision numbers. The other columns can contain what you want.

You also need to modify the process approval label to add the following line 

"revisionTableName": "Audit TRAIL", (with the actual name of the audit trail table you added)

Once you click on the approve button the system will check that the last line contains a new revision 'number' compared to the last time you clicked on the approve button and that all fields of that row are filled. If the Revision is empty or not changed, the user will be warned.

Once published the revision 'number' will be shown in the process header.


FEAT-551 FIELDS: Part 11 signature on Gates

This new option allows gates to be used like electronic signatures inside an item. The gate will show who signed it when.



in admin there are two new options for gates.

  • The first allows to sign or approve only once per user (if the same user is mentioned/part of groups in multiple gate lines)
  • The second line allows you to hide the approval details (as it was in the version 2.2 and before) so that only the user/group name stays visible per line (no explanation, no text box, no date and time of approval etc)

FEAT-634 FIELDS: Possibility to indicate out-of-date items in review control

The review control has now the option to indicate that reviewed items are out of date. There's two options for that: either always or only before the review is completed.

Out of date items will be indicated by an orange clock. If they have been deleted the clock is red:


This needs to be enabled in the admin client

FEAT-581 MISC: Notification Digest Emails

Each user can set up notification emails to be received daily or weekly.  



This can be set up directly in your own user profile in the client:

FEAT-565 ADMIN: Copy paste categories configuration

The admin client allows to copy the complete configuration of a category and its fields into another/ the same project


To create a copy if a category with all it's setting you can use the copy button. 

Note: You might need to create/adjust some project settings, specifically if you copy into another project (e.g. dropdowns, test settings etc.)

FEAT-587 ADMIN: JSON validation and documentation

Provide validation and syntax information in the raw JSON editors to avoid creation of invalid JSON data. 


JSON Data, mostly for advanced configuration, that can be manually edited by the admin or user is checked against a defined schema. The user receives an error when he accidentally enters invalid data.

The valid data structure is displayed on the right side of the editor with any inline documentation provided.

If the user wants to save data that does not pass the JSON validation he has to hold the Shift Key while pressing the OK button.

FEAT-120 New Module: Translation support

It is now possible to setup a mechanism to automatically translate fields from one language to another. This can be useful if some members of your staff is not fluent in one of the languages used in the team or if you want to translate and existing documentation into another language

Contact us for more details if needed.

FEAT-686 SECURITY: Field Cleaning

The server has now an option to prevent storing not whitelisted HTML in database fields.


This option needs to be explicitly enabled for existing projects (as they might already store some not white listed data). Each project can enable or disable the cleanup with a specific white list (this is done in a project setting [HTML Cleanup]. If there is no project setting a default setting from the server settings is used. This can define a default whitelist. 

Each project has in the project setting [HTML Cleanup] the possibility to scan a project against the project and server setting. Clicking on the little pencil, you can decide to (not) clean specific project(s).

Each field can be exempt from this cleaning (so the data entered in these fields goes like it is entered into the database. In each field you can enable the following option:

If the cleaning is enabled, the html editors allow only some specified html tags and attributes. Other text fields will escape < to &lt; to prevent cleaning.

The server will refuse saving unclean data (also through the rest api)


FEAT-714 MISC: Replication

All installation are now not only backed up but replicated in real time. This means if a productions server or site goes down, we can switch to the replicated instance.

This allows to reduce the potential to loose data entered between backups and allows to more quickly restore instances if needed.

Administration / Configuration
FEAT-533 ADMIN: Explicit Logout

The admin client allows logging out other users.

The admin client has a new logout button in the user overview ( User Management > User Details ).

This explicit logout will also kill the sessions, and enable other people to work on items otherwise logged by that user. This is useful if for example someone has an item locked while not at work for an extended time.

FEAT-572 ADMIN: Possibility to hide fields from the UI

It is now possible to hid some fields from the UI. This could be useful for example to hide some original ids coming from an import of data.

Note: the hidden fields will still be queried by full text searches.

This option can easily be enabled vie the administration:

FEAT-576 ADMIN: Auto create fields with category creation (description, links, labels, tasks)

When creating new categories some fields are automatically created.

The following fields are by default created when adding a new category: Description, Tasks, Labels and Links.

FEAT-610 ADMIN: project tree can be filtered searchbox in the admin config tree for filtering

A searchbox is now available in the server administration to filter among the settings. 

Only opened projects are searched in details.

Note: the filter will only show details of loaded/uncollapsed projects.

FEAT-628 ADMIN; filter by user groups and project groups

The admin client now allows to filter the admin views for user and group access by user groups and project groups. 

Instead of typing a part of a user name you can for example switch to select a user group.

FEAT-638 ADMIN: added UI to configure columns in tables

The columns for tests and other tables can now be configured in the UI.

When defining test columns through the UI it is assumed that different tests categories have the same columns. 

FEAT-635 ADMIN: Tell users which fields need configuration

When adding a field which needs to be configured a popup is shown to allow the user to either add more fields or configure the one just added.

Currently this is shown for these controls:

  • review 
  • table
  • dropdown
  • uplink
  • gate


FEAT-650 ADMIN: Prevent user from creating field duplicates

In the past it was possible to create multiple instances of fields which should exist only once per category (e.g. the risk field)

The following fields can be added only once to each category:

  • Risk Control
  • Labels
  • One 2 One Mapping (workflow)
  • Test Table
  • Test Result Table
  • Test Result Summary
  • Design Review Table
  • Sync Status
  • Sync Source Info

FEAT-651 ADMIN: Add color picker for label configuration and risk configuration

Instead of typing color names it is now possible to pick the colors used in the UI

Add a color picker for :

  • Label configuration
  • Category Color (in the tree)
  • Risk configuration (lookup table)
  • Item field
  • Project color 

FEAT-673 ADMIN: Display icon in dropdowns in label configuration

When adding a icon to a label state, it's shown in the configuration dialog

FEAT-681 ADMIN: Project Color Configuration Option

A color picker is now available on the Project Settings menu.

Any admin can change the color of a project (for all users) via the administration on the Project Settings menu:

FEAT-682 ADMIN: Navigation from admin pages of project

In the admin client you can now easily navigate to the user / group access pages and the project itself.

FEAT-539 ADMIN: Possibility to remove project settings

The admin client allows now to remove not needed project settings.

If you load the Project Setting page with the shift key pressed you can see a trashcan icon behind the settings. 

Warning: don't delete any setting unless you created it and you know it's useless...

FEAT-712 INSTALLATION: retrieve files through localhost

If in an intranet it is forbidden to access files using a public URL this can now be changed to get them from the local host.

To configure add this in the Clouds.xml:

<Variable name="instance_internal_url" value="http://localhost:8080/YOURINSTANCE_clouds"/>


FEAT-550 QMS: Make TOC and content scroll independently in QMS publish

Now not the whole page is scrolling but only the displayed process / TOC.

A new scroll bar is available for the QMS structure and a second scroll bar is available for the opened procedure/item.

FEAT-615 QMS a click on images increases size

If a big image is published the user can click on the image to see a bigger version

This feature allows you to see in details an image that fits in the screen inside the LiveQMS.

Clicking on the image will enable a scroll bar and you can click on the image again to make it back to the original view (fitting in the screen).

FEAT-618 QMS: Labels can be published

Specified labels can be published with QMS processes.

In order to publish labels, you need to add them as comma separated list to the QMS configuration settings:

the line "showLabels" needs to be added as top level property and the label IDs needs be be at the place of label1, label2 or more

FEAT-612 QMS: Improved link handling in live qms

Links in published pages behave more consistently. 

Links are now opened the following way

link type behavior click behavior ctrl click

link to other published proc / wi, in

  • navigation or as
  • smart link
  • downlink
select it in tree + show it open new tab with selected
smart link to not published items open in new tab in app

cross project smart links 
hyperlinks to other pages
file attachments in file attachment control download
file attachments in rich text fields

FEAT-599 QMS: Buttons to "read and understood" now underneath the processes

Now the buttons to click on read and understood are also at the end of each processes.

This is convenient for longer process items so that you can acknowledge (and answer questions if any) at the end of the reading.

FEAT-598 QMS: allow to only show items with trainings to be done

In the user drop down is a entry myself (trainings) which shows in the navigation bar all the processes which require a training.

FEAT-588 QMS: Show the date in publication history of items

When comparing two revisions of a published processed, the publication date is shown.

FEAT-556 QMS: Improved user selection in published QMS site

It is now possible to automatically filter the processes to only show the ones for the logged on user. Also processes for other users only, can be hidden.

There are 3 options you can select from in the admin:

  • show all users and processes, filter by viewer: the default option
  • show all users and processes don't filter: the legacy option
  • show only the viewers processes and groups: hides all but the users processes


FEAT-713 QMS: Improved training dashboard

Filtering the displayed information is easier and wizards guide the user through creating new trainings, onboarding of colleagues, creating reports and sending reminders.

This is mainly an improvement of the UI to manage trainings more easily in a central place.

Data Input
FEAT-537 FIELDS: Gates show approval / reject date as tooltip

When passing a gate or rejecting a gate it is now indicated as tooltip who and when the change was done.

Ps: if the gate option "Hide approval details (legacy)" is disabled, you'll see the details directly in the gate as well.

FEAT-574 FIELDS: New field type "Explanation"

This field type allows to add some static text to items, e.g. to explain what some following fields are used for. This is not printed.

The '"explanation" field is a normal field type with no input. It is always shown in printed document and can be omitted in the UI. 

FEAT-580 FIELDS: Immutable row identifiers for test case steps

There is the possibility to have a column with unique ids per test step. These ids are not changed when lines are added or removed and allowing therefore to refer to specific steps of a test.

The ids also contain an counter, increased whenever the line is modified.

in a test table you can now add a column of type uid -> this is a readonly column which will be filled once you save the test table:

the unique id contains out of two parts a counter (roughly the line number) and the revision number in which the id was created.

the unique ids generated stay with the row of the table if you move a row.

whenever you modify a row with a unique id, the revision number is updated while the counter part stays the same.

FEAT-647 FIELDS: New options for uplinks control

Added options to hide create/select buttons in the uplink control for specific categories.

There are two new properties which can be set in the advanced configuration

/**  a comma separated list of categories for which to hide the create button 
(subset of cats) */

/**  a comma separated list of categories to hide in the selection dialog
(subset of cats) */

FEAT-511 EDITING: Allow concurrent editing of items with reviews tables

Review tables can be modified by several people in parallel. To do so you need to need to enable concurrent editing for the review category in the category setting.

To allow concurrent editing of items you need to enable the feature in a category setting

FEAT-547 Editor: Detection of Illegal Characters

Now Matrix complains when the client tries to save some illegal characters

Sometimes when importing or copy and pasting text from somewhere else, some non-printable characters are inserted. 

When saving an item we check if there is an invalid (non printable character) in the field and if so prevent saving. There is also a dashboard tool (clean-up) to check all items for invalid characters.

FEAT-579 Editor: Improved smartlinks

1) Smart links to deleted items are shown in red.

2) Hovering the mouse over cross project links (#PROJECTID/ITEM#) shows a re preview of those items, if the user has at least read access to the project.

Red smart links help to find obsolete links in the text.

FEAT-604 Editor: Improved context menu in rich text editor

The editor's context menu (right click in a rich text box) shows, how to get to the system menu (with spell checker) using the control key.

It is now possible to show the browsers context menu instead of the richt text editor context menu.

To disable the richtext editor's context menu set the option

in the server wide UI options.

Note: to see those you need to to refresh the admin client with shift pressed and than open the Server folder it should show

FEAT-549 DASHBOARDS: TEO allows to select multiple folders

The test dashboard allows to analyze multiple or only parts of a test run.

Under TOOLS > DASHBOARDS > TEO, single XTC(s) or different XTC folders can be selected to create the Test Execution Overview dashboard.

FEAT-624 DASHBOARDS: TEO allows to select items which should be covered by tests

The Test Execution Overview dashboard allows now to select which items should be covered by tests (in the global graphic).

Allows to configure what's visible in:

There is/can be a project setting teo_config with the following properties

    coverageGroundTruthMrqlPart? : string;

For example to only show the coverage of items inside a specific folder it could be 

FEAT-625 DASHBOARDS: Custom Test Dashboard

This function allows to write custom queries to define how specific test results are shown. Some reclassification can be done to have simple graphics.

There is/can be a project setting teo_config with the following property

    testResultQueries : [] 

Each query in the array has

  • a displayString (the name shown in the UI)
  • a mrqlPart expression added to the search finding the items
  • a color used to color the charts

For example to classify the issues in 3 groups instead of the default 5 you could specify:

FEAT-643 DASHBOARDS: Improved Performance of Review Dashboard

Improved performance and progress bar was added.

FEAT-658 DASHBOARDS: Option to find illegal imported characters

The cleanup tool now has an option to find invalid characters. These can be created by importing documents though word or excel or by using the API to crate content. These characters will not print and even might prevent printing of any document.

The cleanup tool needs to be enabled in the advanced settings for the projects. Once enabled it can be found in the client under TOOLS > Cleanup

FEAT-613 JIRA: Search also returns matching ids

No more need to use JQL to search for a ticket id

You can directly type the Jira ID to search for a ticket now.

Document Generation
FEAT-517 DOCUMENTS: Advanced column options in item table and risk table

It is now possible to add more meta data to tables in DOC items.

There are new options to define columns in the table of items either

  • itemv: item id with title and version number behind
  • itemIdv: item id with version number behind
  • @property prints a property of the item. These properties exist:
    • @ref (item id, no hyper link)
    • @birth_customer_format (creation date and time of revision in customer time zone)
    • @title (item title)
    • @author (user id of author of revision)
    • @birth (creation date and time of revision as UTC time)
    • @depth (depth in tree structure)
    • @version (revision of the item)
  • up/WHAT/PATH down/WHAT/PATH follows the up/downlinks of the item. PATH is the path, e.g. if a REQ has downlinks to SPEC to TC you can report about the TC with down/WHAT/SPEC/TC. WHAT is
    • a definition like any other column in the table, i.e.
    • a field id or name, e.g. description
    • a property (see above)
    • a macro, e.g. labels or item
  • labels can have a list of label ids specified. If specified only those labels are shown 
    • labels$id1$id2

it’s also possible to append custom columns to the risk analysis table, by editing the section settings, and adding them as custom XSLT parameter

FEAT-629 DOCUMENTS: Signature Note

It is now an option to print a note about the importance of the signature.

The note can be configured in the admin client in the Project Setting: DOC Settings

And will show up like this:


FEAT-666 DOCUMENTS: Signature Reject

It is now an option to allow users to reject a signature with a reason. 

This needs to be enabled in the  Project Settings > Doc Settings. Once enabled there's two additional options:

FEAT-630 DOCUMENTS: Show signature meaning in SIGN item

If a signature table has a column signature meaning, this column can also shown in the signature table of the SIGN item to tell the user in what the signature is for.


This function needs to be enabled in the admin client Project Settings > Doc Settings:

this info is now also shown in SIGN table

FEAT-684 DOCUMENTS: Option to hide file attachment box in DOCs/SIGNs

In a DOC's document setting you can choose not to show the list of attachments (or cross project link) fields for a a particular DOC or SIGN created from it. The attachments itself can still be attached.

FEAT-690 DOCUMENTS: Open created PDFs directly in browser

To visualize a Doc or a Sign item in its final format, it was mandatory to download it.

Now after creating a PDF (DOC, etc), you can open the result in a browser tab instead of downloading to disk.

This option is available via the little eye icon available on the left side of "Download document" for DOC items and "Request Signatures/ Send release email" for SIGN items: 

FEAT-701 DOCUMENTS: Headers tables

Now headers of table of document sections use the header styles defined in the word template.

See the instructions in the word template to see how these can be configured. By default it's a bold font on a grey background. 

FEAT-706 DOCUMENTS: Improved Redlining

When redlining a SIGN against a DOC or other SIGN, you can now also see the differences in static document sections (like text boxes). Also by default it shows all items of which item ids are shown in the document not only the selected items.

The redlining now shows which of the text sections changed:

By default it shows all referenced items which changed. Referenced means the item id is shown in the document. It is possible to restrict that to the items selected as input for the fields (selected items only)

FEAT-595 MISC: Show label id in tooltips of labels / filters

The label id is now shown as tooltip for labels and filters.


If a tooltip is defined it shows "label id: tooltip" otherwise just "label id"

FEAT-502 MISC: Allow to change linked workflow item / select existing one

When using one-to-one links of Matrix items to external workflow software (like JIRA) (with One2One Issue Mapping field), it is now possible to select existing items to make the link.

If an item in Matrix has a one-to-one link to a external ticketing system (like JIRA) the link can now be modified through the tool menu:


FEAT-640 MISC: Filter for audit log and deleted items

The change history and deleted items list can now be filtered.

The filter is case insensitive and the number of hidden items are shown underneath the filter.

FEAT-642 MISC: Excel Import Improvements

Importing items from excel has been improved.


Warnings messages in the import log are colored red. When importing an excel with multiple lines in a cell as rich text, the new lines are converted into <br> in html

FEAT-648 MISC: Improved profile dialog

Usability improvement

Added a better indication to show that user needs to provide old password to save a new one.

FEAT-534 MISC: Recursive smart text macros

You can now have nested text macros.

Up to five levels of macros are resolved (to avoid endless recursion creating very long documents:)

FEAT-655 MISC: User group names are used in zen mode

Instead of showing user group ids, the names are displayed.

FEAT-659 MISC: Filters are no longer persistent over sessions or tabs

Filters are now only used in the tab they are activated.

FEAT-663 MISC: Allow search from url

You can now copy the project URL and add a search to embed links with search into other documents. This can be useful to refer to a specific filtered view of a project via the URL only.

e.g. you could search put the following url in the browser


which would filter the tree view to show/highlight items with a specific label set.

FEAT-669 MISC: Allow number columns in DOC tables

There is a new column type "Number" which allows you to only enter numbers in it in custom table section of documents.

FEAT-672 MISC: Notifications when gates get passed/rejected

It is now possible to send notifications when the last user approved a gate.

This can be configured in the advanced settings by adding a line to the allPass property:

"allPass": {
"notifyPassed": [ "user1", "user2" ],

and a line next to the allPass setting

"allPass": {....},

FEAT-687 MISC: Allow to enter markup in richtext editor

It is now an option to enter text with markup syntax to create formatted text, e.g. a line starting with * will create a list.

This option needs to be enabled in the [UI Options] of the server settings. Note: to see these options, select the server setting in the admin, hold the shift key and refresh the browser page (in chrome on windows).

Through  "advanced", add or edit the a "tiny" property: to have the "extraPlugins" and 
    "textpattern_patterns" properties:

  "tiny": {
    "extraPlugins": [ "textpattern" ],
    "textpattern_patterns": [
      { "start": "---", "replacement": "<hr/>" },
    { "start": "(c)", "replacement": "©" },
      { "start": "*", "end": "*", "format": "bold" },
      { "start": "#", "format": "h1" },
      { "start": "##", "format": "h2" },
      { "start": "###", "format": "h3" },
      { "start": "####", "format": "h4" },
      { "start": "#####", "format": "h5" },
      { "start": "######", "format": "h6" },
      { "start": "1.", "cmd": "InsertOrderedList" },
      { "start": "* ", "cmd": "InsertUnorderedList" },
      { "start": "- ", "cmd": "InsertUnorderedList" }

Note: the patterns can be adjusted to your liking

FEAT-689 MISC: Improved compare of revisions

When comparing two versions of an item it was sometimes hard to see what changed.

The comparison now aligns the fields which changed and labels changes are explicitly highlighted using text.

When the label status changed, it'll be easily visible in the comparison:

FEAT-621 MISC: Full History View Improvement

The full history view of an item has  been improved.

Several styling changes make the view easier to interpret, e.g. to see which changes are group together in one revision.

FEAT-692 MISC: Browser tabs show item title

It now shows PROJECT/ITEM title in the browser tab

FEAT-698 MISC: Design Review labels can be used as locks

Now design review labels can be used as locks

FEAT-582 MISC: There is an option to have a browser notification when a matrix notification comes in

If your browser allows notification, Matrix notifications can appear as browser notifications to make sure you see it directly if you're on another tab than Matrix for example.

Note: this feature can be globally disabled in the server setting for notification by setting



FEAT-691 MISC: Simpler Export/Backups

The server has now an option to prevent showing the REPORT category. The export has been moved to a dedicated dashboard. Xml Export is also available from the admin client.  



This option needs to be explicitly enabled for existing projects. Each project can enable or disable the display the REPORT category.  (this is done in a project setting in the  "Advance features" panel).

If there is no project setting defined for that, by default, the REPORT root folder is display with a message saying the the feature is obsolete but can be enable from the admin client by an administrator.

The new export tools appears under TOOLS/EXPORT. It allow the user to export

  • as excel : The user is prompted with an item selector for the export.
  • as xml : The user can decide to export with or without files and history.


FEAT-652 MISC: Multiline notification messages

When creating notifications it's now possible to have messages spanning over multiple lines.

FEAT-702 MISC: Past notifications can also be visible in notification box

In the previous version, we could only see the current and future notifications within an item notification dialog box.

To be able to see previous notification which are done/acknowledged, we had to go to Notification dashboards.

It's not possible to see the past notifications in within the dialog box now:

FEAT-660 SEARCH: mrql:outdated : special treatment for XTC and SIGN

XTCs and SIGN item are now considered outdated if the source (the test or DOC item) was modified after the XTC/SIGN was created.

In the past you could have for example created a SIGN from a DOC, than modify the DOC, than modify the SIGN and you would not see that the DOC content is newer than the SIGN content.

FEAT-497 SECURITY: Option to require session to download attaches files

There is a new option in the admin client to require a session to download referenced files.

By default uploaded files are protected by a secret key and can be downloaded by everyone with the key.

FEAT-670 SECURITY: Cleanup html to improve security

We now automatically remove many more dangerous html elements when they are stored to the DB, in order to avoid malevolent code. If content should be removed, a dialog will appear to the user to either do it automatically or correct it manually.

We now remove many more dangerous html elements when they are stored to the DB, in order to avoid malevolent code.

FEAT-524 BETA: Default Values for Fields

Some fields can now be pre-populated with some data when creating new items:

  • tables
  • richtext
  • plaintext
  • checkbox (set to true to set)
  • datepicker (set to true to now)
  • dropdown

Note: the default values need to be specified in the advanced settings of a field.

For tables the following needs to be added: 

    "column one id":"value one",
    "column two id":"value two"
  "column one id":"another",
  "column two id":"row"

For text boxes something like

,"initialContent":"the <b>\"text\"</b>"

For check boxes, to have them checked


For date, to have them set to the item creation time


For dropdowns, 



FEAT-522 BETA: Tabs in Items

It is now possible to have multiple tabs per item. This can be useful for categories with many fields. 

To use you need to create a category setting tabs (1)

In this add a property tabs which contains an array of tab definitions (2). Each tab needs to have

  • an empty list of fields ("fields": [])
  • a display name 
  • an internal unique id


Once the category setting is saved you can add fields to one or more tabs, by selecting the field and in there choosing the tabs where it should appear:

Bug Fixes
FEAT-541 Gate reset can be triggered by configuring field ids

Before, only field names could be used in the gate option to reset when specific fields are changed.

Now gates can specify the fields which make it reset by specifying fields ids (not only field names).

FEAT-548 Small UI fixes

Various UI Fixes  : 

  • review comment in item text is out of screen
  • Text-overflow in Table is handled nicer

In previous version, some text were cut/out of screen in review annotation comment and in XTC tables. 

FEAT-552 Bug with the save / autosave feature

If you only change one character in a text box the save does not get highlighted and the autosave does not work.

Now the save button gets highlighted from the first character change.

FEAT-557 Scale images to fit on printed paper

If the uploaded image is too big, the system will automatically fit its size for a printed paper.

If the uploaded image is too big, the system will automatically fit its size for a printed paper.

FEAT-558 Improve algorithm detecting used abbreviations

The list of used abbreviations and terms now shows only the actually used ones.

It used to also indicate that a term or abbreviation has been used if the resulting text was typed normally' (not actually using the smart text macro).

FEAT-560 Importing risks from excel always used global setting

Importing risks from excel always used the global (per project settings)

Now the correct risk configuration (category or project) is used for the import.

FEAT-561 Change history view was limited to 100 items

The history view was limited to show the first 100 changes of a day. 

Now all changes are shown

FEAT-559 Smart links are not generated in "the custom table" sections in downloaded documents

Custom tables did not resolve smart links when printed.

Now they are recognized as smart links within the table of the downloaded document.

FEAT-562 Safari is showing popup for password manager even when logged in


  • Enabled PW Manager for
  • Login and save PW
  • After login (and every reload) PW popup is shown

Fix: Hide login fields in iframe, show them when needed. Hiding the iframe is not enough.

The password pop up is not shown anymore when logged in.

FEAT-563 Smart links don't show after full text search

After some specific full text search smart links were not resolved in some items.

Smart are always correctly resolved now.

FEAT-568 AgileSync has white text on button

The button text was hard to read.

Button styling has been fixed.

FEAT-571 User access right selector is sticky

It was possible to remain with a sticky user access selector in the User Access to Project page

As soon as you click somewhere else, the user access type selection dialog will vanish now.

FEAT-567 Trying to delete system categories triggered bad error message

The system showed an empty error message when trying to delete the FOLDER, SIGN, DOC or REPORT category.

The message now tells the user that it's impossible.

FEAT-575 Risk history was not showing all details when comparing revisions

When looking at the history of a RISK item and comparing 2 revision, the risk values on the right one were not visible.

Now the Risk values are visible within the comparison.

FEAT-577 When you look at CHANGES in a project without history the page didn't finish loading

When a project has no history, the CHANGES dashboard asked you to wait forever loading.

This is not the case anymore.

FEAT-578 Zen mode did not show smart text in DOC items

If a richtext section contained a smart text macro, it was not rendered when viewing the item in Zen Mode

Smart text blocks are no resolved.

FEAT-591 Drawio in could be launched from readonly text boxes

Readonly items with a drawio diagram allowed it to open the diagram in draw io by clicking on it.

Now the Draw IO graph will be read only if the item is locked.

FEAT-593 QMS missing published processes

In the previous release, if a published item was moved out of a folder and then the folder was deleted, with the publication of other changes this published item would disappear from publication.

Now the moved published item will not disappear.

FEAT-594 Filter order vs Label order

Label groups shown in the item title bar were in order different to what is specified in admin and visible in filter.

Now they are in the same order. It's possible to go back to the previous behavior by setting invertGroups:true in advanced section of label setting.

FEAT-596 Items table not formatted correctly if following a rich text with a table

A "Table of items with fields" has incorrect column sizing if the previous document element is a text block containing fixed-width table columns.

Now the column sizing won't be impacted anymore.

FEAT-597 LiveQMS item width is not always the same

Not all items in LiveQMS were aligned on the width.

All items in LiveQMS are now aligned on the width.

FEAT-606 Images were replaced

It was possible that images uploaded into rich text boxes were replaced by other ones.

This was only happening to some encoded images uploaded by drag and drop from other website..

FEAT-607 Behavior of hyperlink in text editor is more consistent

Hyperlinks to images, files, diagrams or items did not always work as expected.

The links now behave according this schema


Edit Mode



  • ext urls: open new tab

  • images: resize frame

  • file attachment: download

  • smart links: n/a

  • cross links: n/a

  • ext urls: open new tab

  • images: activate editor

  • file attachment: download

  • smart links: open new tab

  • cross links: open new tab

Right Click

  • ext urls : link menu

  • images: image menu

  • file attachment: link menu

  • smart links: n/a

  • cross links: n/a

  • ext urls : activate editor

  • images: activate editor

  • file attachment: activate editor

  • smart links: activate editor

  • cross links: activate editor

Ctrl Click

  • ext urls : open new tab

  • images: resize frame

  • file attachment: download

  • smart links: n/a

  • cross links: n/a

  • activates editor


FEAT-609 Version of review items is not added

In large reviews it was possible to save the item before it was completely loaded.

Now this shouldn't occur anymore and the version should always be visible completely.

FEAT-620 Review done notifications could not be deleted

If the server option was set that automatic notifications cannot be deleted manually, "review done" notifications could not be deleted.

This is now possible.

FEAT-622 _YYYYMMDD_ can now be used for ControlledDocName word document property

The macro YYYYMMDD did not work in the document headers

Now if you use the macro in the document number field, the date will show in the document headers if you insert the ControlledDocName  property.

It will be the date the SIGN object has been created.

FEAT-627 Gate auto reset in XTCs

Gates with auto reset could not be used in XTCs.

Now the gate can be used in XTCs.

FEAT-633 Prevent Sub Headings in Bad Places

It was possible to create sections without headings which did not render well.

The UI now indicates / disable the user from creating sections without headings in some places where it does not make sense.

FEAT-639 The Change dashboard shows changes on days without changes

Some days without changes seemed to have some changes, when clicking on it no changes were shown.

The count of changes per day was corrected (e.g. not to count downloading of reports as change)

FEAT-645 Cannot add Design Review Label to Filter Menu

When specifying in a group name for the filter menu of a design review label it was saved (it worked through the advanced settings).

Now the UI works as expected.

FEAT-646 ACL module: when "rename" is disabled the delete button is gone too

The bin icon was removed at the same time than the "rename" was restricted via the ACL tool.

Now you can delete, you just can't rename it (as expected).

FEAT-654 Smart text related text not showing in table fields

When smart text is used in a text box, there appears an asterisk in front of it, when hovered over it, it shows the related text. This didn't happen when smart text was inserted into a field of a table.

Now text boxes and tables work the same.

FEAT-656 Context pages showed XTC as downlinked items despite them being filtered

The context page showing downlinks recursively showed the XTC even though they seemed to be filtered.

Now the XTCs are shown only when selected

FEAT-657 Smart links in tables were not resolve for readonly users

If a user with readonly access looked at a table with smart links, these were not resolved (the title was not shown if there was a ! behind the item id).

Now the smart links behave the same for all users.

FEAT-590 Read only users have the possibility to enlarge text boxes

Read-only user couldn't enlarge text boxes.

Now they can. Resizing text boxes can be done by dragging the little  icon in the bottom right corner.

FEAT-665 XTC Preset Field not displayed

If an XTC had a preset field defined which had a help text it was not shown in the XTC creation wizard.

Now fields can have a help text and still be used in the wizard.

FEAT-667 Word sub headings have the wrong style (Heading 1 instead of Heading 2)

If you create a subsection with "Make it a subsection" and let Matrix generate the headers, the level 2 sections have the right numbering but the wrong style (heading 1 instead of heading 2).

Now the subsection will be in heading 2.

FEAT-668 Document does not capture approvals from design review

If design reviews used a custom dropdown for the outcome of the review, the documents showing the reviews did not render the results.

Now it's visible in the document.

FEAT-677 Required fields in DOC items made it impossible to create new DOCs

If you have required fields in the DOC category, you couldn't create new document anymore.

Now, documents can be created with required fields empty - only when saving them afterwards you need to fill them.

FEAT-679 "Read and Understood" button not visible

If the processes in the published QMS had large (very wide) images or tables the read and understood button was outside the visible area of the screen

Now the button is always visible

FEAT-685 Admin UI does not allow to remove last upload file extension

If a file attachment control was restricted to a file extension(s), the last could not be removed in the UI only through the advanced settings.

Now the last extension can be removed.

FEAT-695 RISK By Zone in Risk Analysis Does not work with Lookup tables

When the lookup table was used in the risk configurations, the dynamic section Risk Analysis in Documents didn't show anything under the "Risk by zones before/after mitigation".

Now the output shows which risks belongs to which zone according to the lookup table in this Risk Analysis section.

FEAT-700 With restriction to single sign on: users could not change their signature image

The client prevent users from uploading a new image.

Now the save button is available in this situation.

FEAT-703 SIGN broke after quickly changing labels

Under certain network conditions settings labels would create a new version without data.

When the response form the network were too slow the label UI would save a new version before completely reading the old. This is fixed to work correctly even with unreliable or slow network conditions.

FEAT-704 Risk analysis pie charts stopped working

When printing the a risk analysis section the subs sections showing charts with the risk distribution don't show the graphs anymore, only the statistics.

The charts were relying on an external chart drawing API which changed. Now they they will be rendered by an internal library.

FEAT-611 QMS: Empty SOP group labels should not be visible in publication

If a process group has no published processes inside (either because there's none, or because they are filtered out for a given user), the process group will not be displayed

Only the relevant process group or "SOP label" will be visible for the corresponding approved item for which the given user has access to.

FEAT-641 Excel import could not populate all fields

Excel could not import into richtext fields in risks and plain text fields in any categories.

Now the importer handles these fields as well.

FEAT-498 It was not possible to restrict who can modify the list of reviewed items

The admin client did not allow to limit the editing of items and users included in a review to some users / user groups.

The editing of existing review items / users can now be restricted .

FEAT-499 Context frame showed too many items

The context frame showing recursive up or downlinks ignored the filters to only show some categories  when first loading.

Now the filters are always applied.

FEAT-501 Numbering in TOC was wrong

When adding a table of content to a DOC item for a list of items shown with folders as heading, the numbering was bad when only a sub folder of a category was selected.


The numbering was fixed to ignore not included hierarchy levels

FEAT-500 Publications include titles of not approved procedures

The website with the published QMS contained the titles of unpublished processes.

Now the overview of processes only shows published processes.

FEAT-505 Wrong active label warning during document download

The download button of documents sometimes showed a wrong warning indicating that the document is filtered by a (non existing) label.

This happens if you create a QMS doc template based with a document filter (say label X which exists in the QMS projects)

If you publish the DOC template to another project where were is no label X, there should not be a warning that the item is filtered

FEAT-506 Remove Template Approval DOC section

There was a document section called template approval which is not needed as there is a field.

This choice does no longer exist.

FEAT-507 Improved Rendering DOCs

When opening DOC items with lots of section, the UI flickered, first showing collapsed DOC sections before collapsing them.

Now the UI does not show collapsed sections open before collapsing them.

FEAT-509 Layout issues of annotation

The review annotation screen had some layout issues

These issues have been resolved.

FEAT-510 The hint to where to find autosave was not correct

When changing the selection in the tree after making some unsaved changes a wrong tool tip was displayed.

The tooltip was corrected.

FEAT-529 Signature meaning doesn't render well in documents

Custom signature meanings do not always render nicely in documents.

Instead of showing text it sometimes showed the id.

FEAT-530 When creating items tabbing in text editor did not activate it

The first text editor is auto activated when tabbing into it.

Now if you create a new item and press tab after entering the title, a following text editor will be activated.

FEAT-535 History in LiveQMS not working for WI

History differencing was only implemented for PROC items in publication

Now it works for all items

FEAT-555 Impossible to unlock design review label

if you create a DR label which locks an item, it was impossible to unlock it

Now the item can be unlocked.

FEAT-708 ⌘ + click in the application tree, doesn't open the item in a new tab

On MACs you could not open new tabs from tree

Now ⌘ + click in the application tree opens the item in a new tab

FEAT-711 Converting TC to XTC repeated dead smart links

If a TC had a dead smart link in a test step, the link was rendered twice in the XTC

Now the link is rendered (in red in the UI) once only.

FEAT-688 REPORT category

The report category has been replaced by

  • a specific export feature in the admin client
  • various dashboards
  • new document sections 
  • a simpler way to export to excel

in extras set: enableLegacyReport to

  • "0": to show an empty folder with a message
  • "1": to completely hide the folder
  • "2": to show the folder with all reports (legacy mode)

  • e.g. everywhere: hide the REPORT category unless an explicit project setting enables it
    • this way we can leave everything unchanged 
  • make a virtual folder somewhere under tools called Excel Export
    • this basically does nothing but an excel export 


FEAT-709 Document Compare Tool Integrated Into Redlining

The document compare tools were removed as optional components. There is a more powerful document compare possible through the redlining.

The new redlining is enabled by default.

Known Issues

BUG-3 QMS Publication does not work in copies of QMS project

BUG-31 Copying QMS project copies publication history

BUG-33 Risk Distribution Chart Legend in Risk Analysis Section is Ugly

Signature Meaning Name Title Date Signature
Approved By

Wolfgang Huber


2021/06/24 12:15:50

Approved By

Yves Berquin


2021/06/24 12:15:01
